Training Seminar, Relacioni 2009
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Based on Activity-Financing Contract between UNESCO and Albanian Music Council, member of IMC/UNESCO (Contract nr. 8791057, FR 3240160131, dt 20.12.2007), for the realization of the international cultural heritage project: “Safeguarding Albanian Folk Iso-Polyphony”, “A Unesco Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”, financed on the basis of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the preservation and promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage; we would like to make you know that the realisation of “ODA” project is welcomed from...
"Mbrojtja e Iso-Polifonise Popullore shqiptare"
“In the framework of the present project, audio-visual and computing equipment will be purchased to allow the Albanian Music Council and the national experts of the Academy of Sciences to carry out the planned documentation, inventory-making, digitalization and publication activities. |